Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ruined Sheets and a New Tattoo

Yesterday I got a new tattoo and mama likey.  I decided to get a beehive- I'd been rolling it around in my mind for close to a year, getting a couple other things in between, but I decided I really wanted it and scheduled my appointment a few weeks ago.  I'm very lucky because one of my closest friends is a tattoo artist so it makes the whole thing as close to enjoyable as getting tons of tiny needles poked into you gets!  Here's what went down yesterday.

This is what Evan had drawn up before I got there.  I loved the general shape of it and especially the bees with the trails, but I wasn't super into the eye- which I told Evan and he said he wasn't sure I'd feel it anyway.  Eyeballs pop up all over traditional style tattoos and I actually do like them and might have one incorporated into something someday, but it wasn't this day and it wasn't this beehive!  I wish I had pictures of the different iterations the tattoo ended up going through, but since he was sketching on the light box the pictures didn't come out right and then frankly I forgot to take some when it was off.  Some of the things we (yeah, like I did anything) tried out were having a bigger bee in the middle of the beehive or a bigger flower in the middle of the beehive.  It just didn't look right without something breaking up the lines so we tried a bunch of different things.  Finally Evan played around with the placement of the flowers and struck gold!

Here's the stencil on.  A foot or so above it, out of frame, just imagine my face being like "Ugh shit this is gonna hurt why do I think the ouchiest spots look so good ugh ugh ugh."

Here it is almost done- we had to take a break before doing the blue flowers, because the yellow ink was so fresh and light in color that it could have gotten stained by the blue.  The more you know!  The little beehive door was only red because of blood, which is disgusting. Raise your hand if you've shown pictures of your blood on the internet!  I wanna give you a gross high five.  During the break we watched a clip of Honey Boo Boo from Toddlers and Tiaras because I couldn't believe he hadn't seen her in action, even though she and her mama June are the screensaver on the shop's computer!  Have you seen their new show?  No joke, I love it.  I think they seem like a nice, loving family and I'm not being sarcastic.  Open your minds!!!

Here's the finished product!  Ryan took it for me at home after I took off that gross thing that comes in the bottom of packages of meat that they wrap your arm in.  I'm really happy with it!  Less happy that this happened to my sheets last night:

What a dumdum!  I definitely knew better, Ryan's sheets have a perfect imprint of my butterfly tattoos on them, which is both gross and awesome.  No matter!  I'm the proud owner of bitchin' ink (I don't really talk like this) and if a couple of sheets get hurt in the process, well, so be it.


  1. I'm having fun with it so that's so nice to hear, thank you so much!

  2. I love it, it's really beautiful! I have the itch to get some work done.... :)

    1. Oh thank you! I'm always the devil on people's shoulders telling them to go get more...yours look so nice from what I've seen, you should keep on keepin' on!

  3. whoa, that looks incredible! also, i laughed when i read "mama likey" because i say that all the time even though it can bring some strange looks ;)

    1. Thank you! I think "mama likey" and "aye chihuahua" are two of the weirdest of the most frequently used parts of my vocabulary...gotta let your freak flag fly! :)

  4. Wow I absolutely love this tattoo! Such a great design and coloring. Sorry about the sheet though, but it makes for a pretty fun story!

    1. Oh thank you so much! And yeah, the sheets are just a necessary casualty, I guess I'll have to sleep on a tarp next time :)

  5. Gorgeous tattoo and concept! It looks even better in color.

    1. Oh thanks so much! Yeah the color and shading make such a big difference :)

  6. Aw lol, poor sheets! Someday when you replace them, maybe you can save that part and put it into a quilt. =]

  7. Honey Boo Boo is my to so secret shame, especially because I live in GA!

    1. You should just try to look at her as a point of pride, even if only in providing a sharp contrast to you!
