Sunday, July 29, 2012

the maiden voyage

I'm typing on an actual keyboard for the first time in a long time and so far it's a little clunky.  I keep having to backspace and capitalize things, then things flipped and for a few seconds I couldn't get it out of caps lock...I'm rusty.  Well actually, I'm new.  I'm mushing my dumb fingers all over the computer because for the last year or so I just used an iPad- I've only ever been an internet looky-loo so it was pretty perfect, auto-correct and all.  But I decided I wanted to jump in the screen and get in on the action, so here we are!

It's all been hypothetical so far but shit's about to get real...I'm heading over to my brother Will and his girlfriend Allie's apartment in a little while so Allie can take pictures of me modeling some wares for the Etsy vintage store that will be partially set up by tonight, Try, Try Again.  She's also taking a snap of me to sit up in the corner of this blog somewhere, which I'll send along with a design questionnaire to get things looking fresh and profesh around here. I'm stoked and a little nervous, it's a lot of stuff that I've never done before...clearly if I can't remember to hit the shift key (eh, it's kicking in a little now), how easily am I going to navigate shop listings and shipping costs and blog entries?  We'll see!  But first things first, I've gotta figure out how to turn this...

into this.

I foresee no problems.